Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tool

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Your very own secure file sharing tool! Dropshare is a menu bar application for Drag&Drop upload files, screenshots and even directories to your own server, Amazon S3 or Rackspace Cloud Files. Dropshare 5.6.2 macOS 21 MB Your very own secure file sharing tool! Dropshare is a menu bar application for Drag&Drop upload files, screenshots and even director.

  1. Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tools
  2. Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tool Free
  3. Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tool Software

Dropshare 5.4.3

Your very own secure file sharing tool! Dropshare is a so-called menulet that enables you to easily drag&drop files, folders and anything else to your own server, Amazon S3, Rackspace Cloud Files or Google Drive. Once uploaded, the app copies the link to the file to your Mac’s clipboard and you’re ready to share with anyone you like!

Dropshare supports SCP over SSH, a secure industry standard protocol for file transfers. Uploads to Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3) or Rackspace Cloud Files are also supported, which both are low-priced file hosting services in the cloud. Compared to other cloud hosted file sharing services, Dropshare directly connects to your very own Amazon S3 bucket or Rackspace Cloud Files container, so there is no third-party involved at all.

Dropshare supports Multiple Connections: You can set up different upload destinations at the same time and switch between them using user-defined keyboard shortcuts!

Uploads everything

  • No matter if files, folders, text or screenshots – Dropshare uploads every file and data to your selected destination – also from clipboard or other applications like Safari.

Automatic screenshot upload

  • Set up your own keyboard shortcuts for fullscreen or selection-based screenshots that’ll be uploaded automatically with Dropshare.

Screen Recordings

  • Take & upload Screen Recordings directly with Dropshare, both fullscreen and selection-based recordings are available.

Dropshare Safe

  • Easily create access-restricted URLs for your uploads with either a lifetime and/or password.

Beautiful individual landing pages

  • Choose from a number of free designs or craft an individual design on your own using HTML, CSS and jаvascript. A preview can be embedded for several file types, e.g. images, text or video files.

Choose your URL shortener

  • Dropshare supports URL shorteners as well – natively supported URLs (e.g. dsh.re), or configure your very own URL shortener service like bit.ly (for hosted services) or YOURLS (for self-hosted services).

Dropshare Sync

  • Synchronize your upload history across all your devices which have Dropshare installed.

1-Click Delete from your server

  • Whenever you decide that you no longer want to share a specific file, just use Dropshare to delete it from the upload destination again.

Markdown to HTML

  • If enabled, Dropshare automatically converts Markdown files to HTML.

Services enabled

  • Dropshare introduces itself to the Mac OS X Services Menu. By doing so, you can perfectly use the tools Mac OS X provides to create e.g. keyboard shortcuts for specific actions.

IPv6 ready

  • Worth to mention, Dropshare works perfectly well in IPv6 environments.

What’s New:

Version 5.4.3:

  • Catalina Ready: Dropshare is now ready for Catalina (macOS 10.15). Once you upgraded, you might get asked for screen recording permissions in order to capture screen shots with Dropshare
  • Screen recordings can now get stopped and uploaded by pressing the selected keyboard shortcut again
  • Fixed a crash when clicking the screen capture button in the popup menu


Last Updated on June 20, 2020 by

Developer: Langui.net

FTP Server provides a simple way to share / exchanges files between your computers and other devices.

*** Ports below 1024 are not supported due to sandboxing.

FTP(File Transfer Protocol) is a standard network protocol used to transfer computer files from one host to another host over a TCP-based network, such as the Internet.

FTP Server lets you run the FTP service on your own computer and you can access the files on the host computer with any standard FTP client such as FileZilla. OS X provides read-only FTP access in Finder, you can press Command-K in a Finder window and enter the FTP URL (something like, and connect to FTP Server.

FTP Server comes with its own password authentication, so you don’t need to expose your user account to other people nor do you need to create a system user for the authentication purpose.

* Features

– Easy to use: you can simply start the FTP service without any additional configuration.
– Configurable: server root, port, anonymous access options are available.
– Built-in authentication.
– Lightweight: FTP Server requires very little resources to run and the app size is relatively small.
– All kinds of regular files supported: folders, documents, photos, movies, apps, backups and other files.

Note: the default document root points to “/Users/*username*/Library/Containers/net.langui.FTPServer/Data/Documents/FTPShare”, you can press Command-G in Finder to go to destination folder.

• Fix “Start FTP service on startup” issue

• Fix NAT-PMP/UPnP port mapping issue

• Add “Idle timeout” option (FTP Server Preferences -> Advanced)


Size 2 MB

Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tools

Dropshare 5 1 – secure file sharing tool software
Compatibility: OS X 10.10 or later, 64-bit processor

Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tool Free

Age Rating 4+
Price $7.99

Dropshare 5 1 – Secure File Sharing Tool Software