Focused (was Typed) 2 2

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One of the fundamental skills required for practising EBM is the asking of well-built clinical questions. To benefit patients and clinicians, such questions need to be both directly relevant to patients’ problems and phrased in ways that direct your search to relevant and precise answers. In practice, well-built clinical questions usually contain four elements, summarised below.

  1. Focused (was Typed) 2 2nd Edition
  2. Focused (was Typed) 2 2/5
  3. Focused (was Typed) 2 2/3
1 2 3 4
Patient or Problem Intervention
(a cause, prognostic factor, treatment, etc.)
Comparison Intervention
(if necessary)
Tips for Building Starting with your patient, ask “How would I describe a group of patients similar to mine?”
Balance precision with brevity.
Ask “Which main intervention am I considering?”Be specific. Ask “What is the main alternative to compare with the intervention?”Again, be specific. Ask “What can I hope to accomplish?” or “What could this exposure really affect?”Again, be specific.
Example “In patients with heart failure from dilated cardiomyopathy who are in sinus rhythm …” “… would adding anticoagulation with warfarin to standard heart failure therapy …” “… when compared with standard therapy alone …” “… lead to lower mortality or morbidity from thromboembolism. Is this enough to be worth the increased risk of bleeding?”

Focused 2.2 review: Text editor with helpful Markdown tools and Zen mode to help you focus Formerally known as Typed, does this Mac writing app have what it takes to stand out from the crowd? I'm trying to create an auto-complete list that appears as you type, but disappears when you click elsewhere on the document. How do I detect that a form input is focused using Angular 2. Angular 1 has ng-focus, but I don't think Angular 2 supports that anymore. Unlike traditional forms of therapy that take time to analyze problems, pathology and past life events, Solution-Focused Brief Therapy (SFBT) concentrates on finding solutions in the present time.



Educational Prescription (PDF)

Benefits of asking focused questions

One of the benefits of careful and thoughtful question-forming is that the search for evidence is easier. The well-formed question makes it relatively straightforward to elicit and combine the appropriate terms needed to represent your need for information in the query language of whichever searching service is available to you.

Once you have formed the question using the PICO structure, you can think about what type of question it is you are asking, and therefore what type of research would provide the best answer.

Focused Insights Product Management and Services (SAP Digital Business Services) is pleased to announce that Focused Insights 2.0 SPS04 for SAP Solution Manager is available. (Release ST-OST 2.0 SP04 – August 2019).

In this set of articles, we will provide you with a description of the new functionalities delivered with Focused Insights ST-OST 2.0 SP04.


  • Custom Launchpad
  • Multi-carousel
  • Enhanced user authorisation control
  • API for SAP Analytics Cloud
  • Dashboards URL parameters extension

Custom Launchpad

  • Create your own launchpad.
  • Structure it with folders and mix instances from any dashboard model supported by Focused Insights.
  • Navigate from the page in embedded or new window mode.
  • Display in carousel mode the content of your launchpad.
  • Publish them with a direct read-only URL with the &pages parameter.
  • Manage access with standard Focused Insights authorisations object: Authorisation key: DFL.


Combine all types of dashboards in carousel mode: Automatic switch to full-screen mode when idle.

Authorisations concepts

Display User

  • Authorisation objects: /STDF/APPD: Display and Change activities with IDs for dashboards and pages.
    • ex: DFL_R1 for page ID ‘R1’, OCC_1 for OCC instance ‘1’

Administrator User

  • Authorisation Object: /STDF/APPC: Display, Change, Add and Delete activities with IDs.

Dashboards customisations

New set of URL parameters used to customise dashboards behaviours.

SAP Analytics Cloud API

Publish any Focused Insights metrics to the SAP Analytics Cloud with 3 possible formats:

  • Tables,
  • Time Series,
  • DataSets.

Connect your SAC Tenant to your SAP Solution Manager with the SAP Cloud Connector.

Build SAC models out of a generic Focused Insights oData connection.

Select dimensions and measures directly from the SAC graphical editor.

oData entities are exposed with the oData service: /STDF/SAC_EXTRA_SRV

  • Time Series: GadgetSeriesSet(GadgetID)
  • Table: GadgetTableSet(GadgetID)
  • Datasets:
    • Dynamic entities are exposed by running the following report:
    • /STDF/GENERATE_DYN_ENT with the gadget ID as as parameter.

Focused (was Typed) 2 2nd Edition

Check this blog for more details on the SAP Analytics Cloud API for Focused Insights.

Focused (was Typed) 2 2/5

Part II: Click here

Focused (was Typed) 2 2/3

Thanks for reading.