Sublime Merge Search
- New UI, including repository tabs
- GPU Rendering
- UI: Reworked Commit Dialog
- UI: Added repository tabs, to have multiple repositories open in a single window
- UI: Added file tabs when viewing the contents of a commit
- Implement commit signature creation and validation
- Added a lines changed indicator to commits
- Added command history, available from the Show Git Output icon in the tool bar
- Added commit message history, available from the dropdown arrow in the commit message box
- Added support for non-overlay scrollbars in diffs
- Added Resolve Ours / Resolve Theirs dropdown to unmerged files
- URLs in commit messages and git output can be opened via the context menu
- Left and Right keys can be used to expand/collapse merge commits
- Added Navigate/Go to Child
- Stash commands no longer supply -q by default, to work around a bug in Git 2.24
- Checking out a hidden ref will make the ref visible
- Add Recent Repositories to Welcome Page
- Search: Added before and after operators
- Added set_preference and toggle_preference commands
- Added gitflow publish support
- Preferences: Updating settings via the preferences dialog no longer clears comments in the settings file
- Preferences: Added Preferences entry for Ignore Whitespace in diffs
- Added checks for pushDefault and pushRemote when pushing
- Added Tools/Show Console
- Improved selection behavior while loading large repositories
- Improved menu auto hide behavior on Linux and Windows
- Improved performance with a very large number of untracked or modified files
- Improved performance in repositories with a large number of authors
- Running smerge without any arguments will focus the current window, if any
- Fixed not being able to commit when email is set to empty string
- Fixed a bug in destination path calculation in the clone dialog
- Fixed Create Tag with an empty message creating the tag incorrectly
- Fixed hunk staging using the wrong encoding in some scenarios
- Fixed shift+enter staging a file even when focus is in commit message box
Merge Tool
- Indentation settings are now automatically detected from the contents of the file
- Saving a file with unresolved conflicts will warn before saving
- Added a preference to trim trailing whitespace on save
Sublime Merge is a tool in the Source Code Management Desktop Apps category of a tech stack. Sublime Merge Build 2027 (x64) Stable 26.6 Mb Git Client, done Sublime. Meet a new Git Client, from the makers of Sublime Text. A snappy UI, three-way merge tool, side-by-side diffs, syntax highlighting, and more. Stage Files, Hunks and Lines with no waiting - Sublime Merge is really, really fast. Default settings Just like Key Bindings and Mouse Bindings, configuration options should not be edited in Settings - Default file, otherwise they will be overwritten when Sublimerge is upgraded. To change settings, copy the entries that you want to modify to Settings - User file and edit there. General samesyntaxonly true Limits the list of comparable views only to the ones with the same syntax.
A sophisticated text editor for code, markup and prose. Download for Windows Download for Windows Install for Linux Download for Mac. Sublime Text 3 (Build 3211). With just a few keystrokes, you can search for what you want, without ever having to navigate through the menus or remember obscure key bindings. Sublime Merge includes a command line tool, smerge, to work with repositories on the command line. This can be used to open repositories, search, and merge files. Windows: Add C:Program FilesSublime Merge to your%PATH% Mac: You'll want to add a symlink to smerge.
GPU Rendering
- New hardware_acceleration setting will composite the UI on the GPU
- By default, GPU rendering is enabled on Mac, and disabled on Windows and Linux. This can be changed via the Preferences dialog.
- Details about the active GPU will be displayed in the Console
- Git: Added support for smudge and clean filters, enabling Git LFS support
- Git: Improved handling of the working-tree-encoding attribute
- Git: Improved parsing of .gitattributes files
- Git: Added support for GUI encoding config
- Windows and Mac: Updated bundled Git to 2.26.2
- Windows: Fixed core.worktree support
- Submodules: Added Initialize All Submodules context menu
- Submodules: The location bar now indicates the value of HEAD for each submodule
Editor Control
- Expanded draw_white_space setting, supporting leading and trailing white space
- Unicode white space characters, such as the zero width no-break space, are now drawn as hex values. Controlled via draw_unicode_white_space setting.
- Spell Checking: Added support for languages with upper case characters after start of word
- Spell Checking: Updated dictionaries
- Spell Checking: Added support for non-utf8 dictionaries
- Spell Checking: System dictionaries are now available on Linux
- Spell Checking: Dictionaries in ~/Library/Spelling are now available on Mac
- Linux: Text drag and drop is now supported
- Linux: Added support for alternate font weight names
- Linux: Selection is no longer cleared when another application makes a selection
Text Commands
- Improved behavior of Wrap Paragraph
- Improved behavior of Swap Lines
- Added Selection/Expand Selection as a general mechanism to expand the selection
- Selection/Split into Lines will now split a selection into words if the selection doesn't contain any newlines
- Fixed swap_line_down not being able to swap an empty line onto the last line of a file
Input Handling
- Modifier key taps can now be used as part of a key binding. For example, ['ctrl', 'ctrl'] will trigger when Ctrl is pressed twice without pressing any other keys in between.
- Linux: AltGr can now be used in key bindings via altgr
- Linux: Added a workaround for a touchscreen driver bug, which would cause right click and mouse scrolling to stop working
- Linux: When the menu is hidden, pressing alt will show it
- Linux: Improved compatibility with some keyboard layouts
- Mac: Fix Pinyin input
- Mac: Keypad keys can now be bound to as expected
- Mac: Improved compatibility with some keyboard layouts
- Windows, Linux: Hide mouse cursor when typing. Controlled via hide_pointer_while_typing setting.
- Windows, Linux: Fixed being unable to bind Ctrl+Break
- Windows: Improved IME support
- Windows, Linux: Added Shift+F10 key binding to open the context menu
Sublime Merge Tutorial
- Added highlight_gutter and highlight_line_number settings
- Themes now have a style property for title_bar element, for better integration with OS 'dark modes'
- Color Schemes: Added glow font option to color schemes
- Color Schemes: Added support for the underline font style
- Linux: Show sequential key bindings in the menu
- Linux: Fixed context menu position being slightly offset
Sublime Merge Keygen
- Windows, Linux: Added support for per-display subpixel ordering
- Mac: Improved window resize performance
- Windows: Fixed rendering bug where other applications could cause persistent artifacts via window animations
Application Behavior
Sublime Merge Key
- Added Safe Mode, to simulate a clean install. Enabled by passing --safe-mode on the command line.
- Holding down Shift on Windows, or Option on macOS, will start Sublime Merge in Safe Mode
- Settings containing a UTF-8 BOM will no longer fail to load
Sublime Merge Download
Syntax Definitions
Sublime Merge Search Path
- Added ability to 'branch' within syntax definitions, for non-deterministic or multi-line constructs
- Many syntax highlighting improvements, including significant improvements to:
- Erlang, with thanks to deathaxe
- Improved syntax definition load time
- Fixed a performance issue with bounded repeats in regular expressions